Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Dispersion Related Properties of Colluvial Sediments Exposed in Afikpo Gully Erosion Southeastern Nigeria

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Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Dispersion Related Properties of Colluvial Sediments Exposed in Afikpo Gully Erosion Southeastern Nigeria

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Gully erosions had continued to pose serious ecological challenges to countries like Nigeria. The gullies had led to the development of badlands and water loss due to low water holding capacity of soil. The soil erodibility factor has since been recognized as a contributing factor to soil erosion hazard and this had not been applied in study of geo environmental degradations in southeastern Nigeria. The study uses the physicochemical properties of colluvial soils and erodibility indices derived from dispersion related properties in evaluating gullies. From the results, the sediments were dominated by majorly dispersive soil such as sands with low percentage of silt fractions, hence low cohesion and low plasticity indices, which are vulnerable to gullies. The pattern of dispersion of the studied soils followed the Hofmeister's isotropic series with decreasing order of cations enhancing dispersion of Ca < Mg < K < +-4-4 2+ 2+ + Na . The hydraulic conductively which ranged from 4.87×10 to 7.34×10 were considered low implying that less water will move underground and more runoff would be generated to cause erosion. The ESP of these soils indicates that the soils are likely dispersive as a result of CEC with values slightly above 15 meq/100 g of clay and with the predominance of non expansive clay mineral. An application of certain civil engineering, hydrological or bioenvironmental processes so as to control the overland flow and excessive runoff are highly recommended. Holistic rehabilitation development programs of monitoring the earth surface to reclaim devastated land to ensure a safe environment should be encouraged.

Publication Info:

Author: Nweke, M.O. and Nnnabo, P.N.

Volume: 56

Issue: March

Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-03-01

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