Seasonal Evaluation of Groundwater Quality and Radiometric Parameters Around the Igbenre-Ekotedo Dumpsite in Ota, South-West, Nigeria

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Seasonal Evaluation of Groundwater Quality and Radiometric Parameters Around the Igbenre-Ekotedo Dumpsite in Ota, South-West, Nigeria

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This study was carried out in response to public concerns on the status of groundwater tapped from boreholes by some residents around the study area. The area was also assessed for its radiometric status. Water samples were obtained from nine (9) sampling points around the dumpsite to determine their physicochemical parameters. Analysis of the 2+ water samples carried out in May 2018, and March 2019 indicated that TDS, EC, hardness, Ca , Mg , pH, Fe, Mn, Cl 3 2+ , NO around the western part of the dumpsite were higher when compared with WHO, 2007 benchmark. Leachates from the dumpsite could have been responsible for these high values. In terms of seasonal variation of the measured parameters, the values obtained for the dry season were relatively higher than those obtained during the rainy season. The depths of boreholes around the western part where contamination was inferred are within 30 m to 40 m. Therefore, borehole location for water in the future should target deeper aquifers to avoid being contaminated, and attention must be given to water treatment during the dry season. The mean annual radiation level for all the profiles -1-1-1-1-1 were41.11 μSvyr , 44.73 μSvyr , 36.81 μSvy , 45.00 μSvyr , 16.16 μSvyr and 19.69 μSvyr respectively. The -1 results of the radiation emission study showed that the general average absorbed dose rate measured on the dumpsite -1 did not surpass the minimum radiation level of 70 μSvyr as prescribed by UNESCO on the effect of Atomic Radiation. Therefore, the dumpsite does not pose any radiometric threat to the inhabitants of the community.

Publication Info:

Author: Ameloko, A.A. , Ayolabi, E.A. and Daramola, O.C.

Volume: 56

Issue: March

Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-03-01

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