Geoelectrical Investigation of Soil Corrosivity and Aquifer Protective Capacity in Angware and Its Environs, Jos-Plateau, Northcentral Nigeria
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Geoelectrical resistivity method was adopted in the study of soil corrosivity and aquifer protective capacity (APC) in Angware and its environs, Jos-Plateau. This present study focuses on delineating zones that are very prone to groundwater contamination from surface contaminants and subsurface soils that are corrosive to utility pipes. Seventy-four (74) vertical electrical sounding (VES) stations were occupied in Angware and Its Environs with current spacing (AB/2) ranging from 1 to 125 m using Schlumberger array. ABEM SAS 300C terrameter was used to generate the data. The interpretations of the VES data were supported by WinResist, Excel and surfer software. The geoelectric sections indicate four (4) layers which include: topsoil, clayey layer, fractured basement and fresh basement while two (2) major aquiferous units identified were weathered basement and fractured basement with thickness of 11.30 to 41.07 m. Topsoil resistivity values were adopted in classification of soil corrosivity and four zones of soil corrosivity were recognized in the area namely: very strongly corrosive zone (< 10 Ùm), moderate corrosivity zone (10 - 60 Ùm), slightly corrosivity zone (60 - 180 Ùm) and practically noncorrosive zone (> 180 Ùm). The value of longitudinal conductance of the overburden units varies from 0.008523 to 1.829263 mhos and four (4) aquifer protective capacity zones were delineated based on the longitudinal conductance values namely: poor (< 0.1 mhos), weak (0.1–0.19 mhos), moderate (0.2–0.69 mhos) and good (0.7–4.49 mhos). The poor and weak aquifer protective capacity zones could be vulnerable to surface contamination, while the good and moderate aquifer protective capacity zones have higher protection against surface contaminated fluids and are apparently safe
Publication Info:
Author: Bulus, J.A. and Odewumi, S.C. 2
Volume: 57
Issue: September
Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-09-01