Engineering Geological Evaluation of some Soils in Ozubulu, Near Onitsha, SE Nigeria for use as Liners in Waste Disposal Landfill

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Engineering Geological Evaluation of some Soils in Ozubulu, Near Onitsha, SE Nigeria for use as Liners in Waste Disposal Landfill

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Indiscriminate disposal of wastes generated by the increasing human population and urbanization pollute surface and groundwater, consequently creating health hazards. This study investigates the engineering properties of residual lateritic soils from Ozubulu, southeastern Nigeria for their use as liners in sanitary landfill for disposal of solid waste. The engineering properties of the soil such as grain size distribution analysis, consistency limits, compaction parameters, the coefficient of permeability and consolidation were determined using specifications of British Standard 1337. The soils are well graded with amount of fines (38 - 47%) and clay content (17 - 22%). Liquid limit is between 36.3-51.1% while the plasticity index is between 21.7-34.3%. The result of the Atterberg limits show that the soils are inorganic clay of medium plasticity and average clay activity value of 0.75 which suggests inactive kaolinitic clay. The mean coefficient of permeability of the soils is of the order 1x10-7m/sec for samples compacted at West Africa and Modified AASTHO level. The overall results suggested that no likelihood of differential settlement if the area is used for landfill site as there is no significant lateral variation in the coefficient of compressibility of the soils that are likely to be the base of the landfill. These results compare favorably with specification by several researchers for soil used as landfill liner.

Publication Info:


Volume: 50

Issue: September

Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-09-01

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