Heavy Metal Contamination and Benthic Foraminifers' Abundance in Sediments of Lagos Harbour, Gulf of Guinea Coastal Area, Southwest Nigeria
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Five heavy metals and benthic foraminifera contents in sediments from Lagos Harbour (Nigeria) were investigated, to determine the degree of contamination and the corresponding impact on the abundance of the benthic species. Surface-sediment samples were analysed by adopting multi-acid digestion and employing inductively coupled plasma-emission spectrometer (ICP-MS: MA-300) for metal quantification. Standard preparation for the recovery of foraminifera was followed, and specimens were identified. The consensus-based empirical sediment quality guidelines (SQGs); and relevant indices of contamination were used to assess the extent of sediments' degradation. Results showed that concentrations of metals such as Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn which were below the threshold effects level (TEL) in sediments are expectedly favourable for benthic foraminifera. Meanwhile, the corresponding low population density of some species in response to moderate contamination by Zn, indicated that their microhabitats are impaired, despite the concentrations being below TEL. Four dominant species identified are Hanzawaia boueana, Textularia sgittula, Florilus atlanticus and Melonis padanum in decreasing order of abundance. Consequent upon the spurious impact of Zn and As contamination, Textularia sagittula which constituted over 94 % of the agglutinated forms, were implied to be most disadvantaged among the dominant species.
Publication Info:
Author: Phillips, O.A. ; Fadiya, S.L. and Abdulganiyu, Y.
Volume: 57
Issue: September
Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-09-01