Geology and Petrochemistry of Rocks from 1:50,000 Sheet 272 (Katsina Ala) SE, North Central, Nigeria

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Geology and Petrochemistry of Rocks from 1:50,000 Sheet 272 (Katsina Ala) SE, North Central, Nigeria

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The Nigeria- Cameroon border stretching from Adamawa Mountain through Mabilla Plateau and Obudu to Oban massif has not been adequately mapped due to the ruggedness of the terrain and density of vegetation. The geological mapping of 1:50,000 Sheet 272 (Katsina Ala) SE was carried out to identify and study the rock units, their structural features, mineralogical composition and potential ore mineralization. Field mapping of surface geological features and outcrops along road cut, dug pits and stream channels was carried out. Fifty six (56) outcrops were visited. Rocks mapped include banded gneiss, granite gneiss, porphyritic biotite granite, medium- coarse –grained granite and quartz mylonite. Structural data such as foliation, joints, folds, lineation and mineralogical composition of the various lithological units were identified, measured and recorded. Five samples were selected for geochemical analysis while ten samples were studied petrographically. Major, trace and rare earth elements (REE) determination was carried out by using Inductively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP- AES) and an Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP- MS) techniques. The thin section study was also done using polarizing microscope. The results from the interpreted geochemical and petrographic studies classified the samples as S- type granitoids and peraluminous .The bivariate of Nb vs. Y and Y and Rb plots suggest Volcanic Arc and Syn-collision granitic origin for the samples. The ternary plot of TiO ,K O and P O suggests continental field for the samples as against the oceanic 2 2 2 5 field while the binary plot of alkali and silica suggests subalkaline. Multi- element (N) plot of Sun and MacDonough (1989) shows enhancement of LREE over MREE and HREE and this is a typical signature of granitic rocks. TAS plot suggests that all samples belong to the granitic clan of igneous rocks. Rose plot from the lineaments extracted from satellite imagery and the one plotted from the data generated from structural features expressed the structural trends of 1:50,000 Sheet 272 Katsina Ala SEto be NE-SW / NW-SE as major while N-S is minor. The granitic rocks and granite gneiss will be useful for construction purposes, dimension stone and as floor tiles. Kaolin is for making paper, rubber and paint while laterite can be used in the area for making brick for building construction .The joints associated with the granitic rocks could serve as conduits for water movement and accumulation where groundwater can be tapped for man use.

Publication Info:

Author: Oladimeji, R.G. , Abhulimen, G.P. and Dambatta, U.A.

Volume: 56

Issue: March

Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology, 2024-03-01

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