Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Delta -32H Well, Niger Delta, Nigeria

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Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Delta -32H Well, Niger Delta, Nigeria

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An interpretation of lithologic and biostratigraphic data of twenty five ditch cutting samples collected from Delta - 32H well in the Niger Delta was carried out for the sequence stratigraphic analysis of sediments penetrated by the well. This enabled the subdivision of the stratigraphic column within the well into depositional sequences and sedimentary cycles. One complete and twq incomplete depositional sequences were identified and they are characterized by highstand systems tract and transgressive systems tract. Two maximum flooding surfaces and two sequence boundaries were also recognized. The well sediments accumulated through the TB2 global cycle, the 2.3 regional cycle and the cycle 7 of Haq et al., 1988 chronostratigraphic chart and dated Late-Early Miocene - Middle Miocene.

Publication Info:

Author: Obiosio, E.O., Nwaejije E.C., Hamza, H. And Ajah, C.

Volume: 52

Issue: March

Published By: Journal of Mining and Geology Vol. 52(1) 2016. pp. 47 - 53, 2016-03-01

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