For Reviewers
Peer Review Process
We follow double blinded peer review process. In this process the author’s names and affiliations will not be exposed to Editors and Reviewers and authors are also kept blinded from Reviewer information.
After receiving manuscript from Editorial Board Member/ Editorial Office, Reviewer should respond whether he considering the manuscript or not in a couple of days, based on his expertise. After accepting the manuscript, reviewer could provide his decisions as below after completing peer review process to editorial office.
(i) Accepted – If the manuscript is completely relevant and well written
(ii) Rejected – If the manuscript is irrelevant
(iii) Need to sent Revision – If any minor corrections to be done for manuscript
- Reviewer must not be biased and transparent in his decision.
- Reviewer should provide the decisions on time line i.e. 10 days after accepting the manuscript.
- Reviewer should respect the confidentiality of the information of manuscript till it gets published.
- Final decision in accepting/ rejecting of the manuscript is solely decided by Chief-Editor of the journal.
- For any conflicts with manuscript/ authors/ editors he should contact editorial office.
- We kindly welcome reviewer’s suggestions to develop the journal.

Science is the foundation of progress, and knowledge is the gateway to innovation. Let us embrace the pursuit of discovery and scholarly endeavors, for they are the guiding lights illuminating our path toward a brighter future.
Prof. A. S. Olatunji, FNMGS — President
Mission Statement
To affirm the rights of Geoscientists and Mining Engineers in Nigeria and pledge to abide by International Geoscientific and Mining best practice and standards without discrimination on the basis of citizenship, religious persuasion, creed, political affiliation, ethnic origin, race, colour, language, age or sex.
Our Vision
To sensitize and create the much needed awareness among members, States, Country and the International Community on the need to fully harness and develop the abundant mineral and energy resources in Nigeria in a sustainable manner for national development.
Our History
In 1977, the Nigerian Mining and geosciences Society (NMGS) succeeded the Nigerian Mining Geological and Metallurgical Society (NMGMS) which was founded on 15th January, 1961 and officially inaugurated on 17th December, 1962. The society is an international, non-governmental and non- profit making professional organization.