Publication Instructions
For Authors
1. Introduction
ARC Publications is dedicated to publishing high-quality research across a wide range of academic fields. Our guidelines are crafted to assist authors in preparing and submitting their manuscripts, ensuring a smooth and efficient review and publication process.
2. Article Types
ARC Publications accepts various article types including:
- Research Articles: Original findings or innovations. Maximum 5000 words.
- Review Articles: Comprehensive overviews of existing research. Maximum 5000 words.
- Case Reports: Detailed reports of unique or significant cases. Maximum 2000 words.
- Short Communications: Brief reports of new and significant findings. Maximum 2000 words.
- Editorials: Opinions or perspectives on relevant topics. Maximum 1200 words.
- Letters to the Editor: Comments or critiques about published articles. Maximum 1500 words.
3. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted to ARC Publications should adhere to the following structure:
- Formatting: Use Microsoft Word, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins.
- Title Page: Includes manuscript title, author details, affiliations, corresponding author contact info.
- Abstract: No more than 250 words, summarizing the research and its implications.
- Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion: Detailed sections as per standard academic structure.
- References: Properly formatted as per a standard referencing style.
- Figures and Tables: High-quality, clearly labeled, and cited in text.
- Supplementary Materials: If applicable, submitted as separate files.
- Ethical Compliance: For studies involving human or animal subjects, ethical approval must be indicated.
4. Submission and Review Process
Manuscripts should be submitted via the designated email or online submission form. After an initial editorial review, suitable manuscripts are peer-reviewed by experts. The review process may take several weeks, after which authors are notified of the decision.
5. Open Access and Copyright Policy
- Open Access: All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License, ensuring unrestricted use and distribution, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Copyright Policy: Authors retain copyright upon publication, granting the journal rights for distribution and reproduction.
For more information on open access and copyright, authors are encouraged to review our ‘Open Access and Copyright Policy’ section.
6. Article Processing Charges (APC), Waiver, and Refund Policy
- Article Processing Charges (APC): APCs cover the costs associated with peer-review, editing, and publishing, ensuring open access to articles.
- Waiver Policy: Waivers are available for authors who cannot afford the APC, particularly from low-income regions.
- Refund Policy: Please note that APCs are non-refundable once paid, under any circumstances.
For complete details, authors are encouraged to visit the ‘Article Processing Charges (APC), Waiver, and Refund Policy’ section.
7. Ethical Considerations and Malpractice Statement
Authors must adhere to high ethical standards in research and publication. Issues like originality, confidentiality, and conflicts of interest are taken seriously, with breaches potentially leading to manuscript rejection or retraction.
8. Proofreading and Final Submission
Authors are responsible for the final proofreading of their manuscripts. Upon acceptance, the final version should be submitted in the specified format. ARC Publications reserves the right to make necessary modifications for publication standards.
Note: These guidelines may be periodically updated. Authors are encouraged to review them regularly for any changes.

Science is the foundation of progress, and knowledge is the gateway to innovation. Let us embrace the pursuit of discovery and scholarly endeavors, for they are the guiding lights illuminating our path toward a brighter future.
Prof. A. S. Olatunji, FNMGS — President
Mission Statement
To affirm the rights of Geoscientists and Mining Engineers in Nigeria and pledge to abide by International Geoscientific and Mining best practice and standards without discrimination on the basis of citizenship, religious persuasion, creed, political affiliation, ethnic origin, race, colour, language, age or sex.
Our Vision
To sensitize and create the much needed awareness among members, States, Country and the International Community on the need to fully harness and develop the abundant mineral and energy resources in Nigeria in a sustainable manner for national development.
Our History
In 1977, the Nigerian Mining and geosciences Society (NMGS) succeeded the Nigerian Mining Geological and Metallurgical Society (NMGMS) which was founded on 15th January, 1961 and officially inaugurated on 17th December, 1962. The society is an international, non-governmental and non- profit making professional organization.